Anchor: Pirates of the
Vohoun > 3E

D&D 3E Rules Notes and Clarifications
D&D 3E Links
Campaign Journal
As part of our sub-campaign, I'm going to be
taking weekly notes about my experiences running the 3E games. These
notes will appear on my Web site, Nuketown, in the "Underground"
section, as well as on the Pirates site. Read
the journal.
D&D 3E Rules Notes and
The point of the Pirates Campaign is to learn
the 3E rules -- and learn them we have. What follows are notes and clarifications
on various 3E rules that we've encountered during our game (or that
Ken encountered while reading through the rule books)
1. Multiple Attacks
If you get more than one attack per round, making those attacks
uses up your entire action allocation for that round, meaning in addition
to attacking, the only things you can do are free actions and take a
5-foot adjustment. (PHB pg 122-123)
2. Reach attacks
If you are attacking with a weapon that has "reach" -- such as a
longspear -- you threatened the space 10 feet away from you. This means
- you can attack opponents that are 10 feet
away from you
- you CAN NOT attack opponents that are 5
feet or closer to you.
- if an opponent attempts to close with a
person wielding a reach weapon, then the weapon's wielder gets an
attack of opportunity (the same is not true of someone whose weapon
has a reach of 5)
- you can attack an opponent with one of your
allies standing in front of you, but this provides that opponent with
1/2 cover and +4 AC bonus. (pg 132, PHB)
3. Concealment and Cover
We messed up Concealment and Cover the first time we used them,
so here's the deal on what's what.
- Concealment is when you make it harder
for your opponent to figure out where you are . This provides you
with a percentage chance -- based on the degree of concealment --
that attacks against you will miss. This applies to things like hiding
in dense fog at 5 feet (one-half concealment, 20% chance of miss)
to invisibility or total darkness (total concealment, 50% chance of
miss and must guess target's location).
- Cover is when you're hiding behind
something solid. This gives you a bonus to your AC. This is covered
on pages 132 and 133 of the PHB.
D&D 3E Links
Noah's 3rd Edition Rules
An excellent resource and a must visit for DMs and players. It
includes a simply amazing amount of information including loads of commentary,
new releases, conversions and more stuff than you can hope to read in
any one sitting.
to 3E Conversion Guide
Wizards of the COasts' official guide to converting from Dungeons and
Dragon's 2nd edition to it's 3rd edition is available online as a PDF
Pirates of the Vohoun > 3E
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Original content (c) 2001 Kenneth Newquist
D&D 3E (c) 2000 Wizards of the Coast
