Anchor: Pirates of the
Vohoun > Sagas > Timeline

1. Timeline
2. The Calendars of the Vohoun
3. Important Holidays
1. The Timeline
A look at important dates in the history of
the Vohoun region (with a few "milestone" dates from our main
campaign thrown in to give people an idea of how everything fits together)
1 CY |
Overking corwned in Roaxues |
356 CY |
Kingdom of Nyrond founded |
Sunsebb 4,
398 CY |
House Oldrin betrayed
by allies in the Kingdom of Aerdy. |
Coldeven 20, 399 CY |
Principality of Oldrin estalbished
with the founding of Rivendale. |
Growfest 2, 543 CY |
Alvis Oldrin the VII of the Principality of Oldrin
is born. |
early 583 CY |
Spindrift Isles conquered by elves and re-named the
Lendore Isles. Human refuges flee south into the Vohoun region. |
Coldeven 27, 513 CY |
Campaign milestone -- Free City of Obsidian Bay founded on the
Pomarj |
572 CY |
Campaign milestone -- Blackrazor Guild founded in Obsidian Bay
by Brant Bladescream |
573 CY |
Scarlet Brotherhood first reported in the Flanaess |
Wealsun 18, 578 CY |
Alvis the VII is crowned "Lord Prince" of
Oldrin. |
584 CY |
Campaign milestone -- "Second Founders" take over
the Blackrazor Guild |
587 CY |
Campaign milestone -- Obsidian Bay falls to the Scarlet Brotherhood. |
588 CY |
Campaign milestone -- Obsidian Bay invaded by demons, who oust
the Scarlet Brotherhood. Later that year, the city is liberated
in part by the Blackrazor Guild |
590 CY |
Campaign milestone -- Blackrazor Guild and Knights of the Iron
Nation fight their first "Battle of Tyrant's Heart" in
late summer. |
Wealsun 585 CY |
Prince Carl Oldrin kidnapped by the pirate Blackheart. |
Reaping C86 CY |
Prince Carl Oldrin murdered by the pirate Blackheart. |
Patchwall 587 CY |
Admiral Marc Oldrin's ship, Seeker, is attacked
and destroyed by the pirate Bloodbeard. All hand's aboard the Seeker
-- including Oldrin -- are lost. |
12-17, CY 591
I: Ellsworth: The heroes become
members of the Captain Orax d'Silsman's crew and sail on a brief
voyage to the island of Ellsworth and back. |
Fireseek 26-Readying 6,
CY 591 |
Saga II:
Wyatt's Island: Flying monsters
are terrorizing Wyatt's Island; the Prangler and her crew
investigate. |
Fireseek 26-Readying 6,
CY 591 |
III: Thunder Island: Captain
d'Silsman learns that a magical shield has been discovered on a
kobold-infested jungle island. He's sending in the Prangler's
swashbucklers to recover it. |
Fireseek 27-Coldeven 4,
CY 591 |
Saga IV:
"Give me the map!"
d'Silsman learns of another powerful treasure, this time a magical
rapier. The crew must recover a map leading to the rapier and then
recover it from the island where it lay. |
Coldeven 4-5, CY 591 |
Saga V: Klana
Klana, the barmaid Wesley Aulderin "rescued" on Ellsworth
Isle, and who followed the crew to Rivendale, is in trouble. It
seems that she refused the advances of a nefarious merchant known
as Mellerick d'Lors.
The man's sent his thugs to avenge his
wounded pride ... but the story turns out to be a lie. In fact,
Klana stole a small fortunes in emeralds from the man, and tried
to get the Pranglers to save her from them. She escapes from the
Coldeven 11-14, CY 591 |
Saga VI:
Warriors of Freedom
The crew of The Prangler -- on a quest for a treasure map
leading to a lost trove in the Amedio Jungle -- sails for Taggert
Island. On the way they are attacked by vile sahaughin who are working
with the slavers of the Pirate Isles, and are stunned by the unexpected
arrival of new allies: aquatic elves from Quilthanis.
Coldeven 14-17, CY 591 |
Saga VII:
The Prangler arrives at Taggert Island only to learn that
it has just been raided by the pirate ship The Torment. The
ship carried off more than two dozen Taggert settlers and was believed
to be carrying as many Olman prisoners. The adventurers agreed to
chase The Torment with the aid of their new aquatic elven
allies, and free the slaves trapped on board.
2. The Calendars
of the Vohoun
The Principality of Oldrin uses the same calendar
that the Great Kingdom used, which in turn, most of the Flaness uses.
A few in the region, notably in Scarlet Brotherhood holdings, use Suel
reckoning. Almost known of the "civilized" ports of the region
use the native Touv or Olman calendars.
The Aerdian calendar is subdivided into 12 months
of 28 days; every three months there is a "holiday" week lasting
seven days. The "holiday" weeks are bolded in the list below.
- Needfest
- Fireseek
- Readying
- Coldeven
- Growfest
- Planting
- Flocktime
- Wealsun
- Brewfest
- Reaping
- Good-month
- Richfest
- Harvester
- Patchwall
- Ready'reat
The following days of the week are used (adopted
from the Flan calendar)
- Starday -- work
- Sunday -- work
- Moonday -- work
- Godsday -- Worship
- Waterday -- Work
- Earthday -- Work
- Freeday -- Rest
(please note that all of the above information is
take from "A Guide to the World of Greyhawk", p. 5)
Since most of the Vohoun is just off the planet's
equator, the traditional northern seasons have very little meaning.
3. Important Holidays
The following holidays are celebrated in the
Principality of Oldrin. These are formal holidays in which most of the
workers take off to celebrate.
Coldeven 20 |
Founding Day: This is a bitter-sweet
holiday marking the founding of the Prinicpality. It is usually
marked by speeches by the royal family, a grand parade of military
forces through Rivendale, a naval armada, and large banquet feasts. |
Wealsun 18 |
Coronation Day: This marks the coronation of
the present Lord Prince of the City. The Prince usually entertains
guests from among the common people on this day at huge, all-day
feasts. |
Brewfest 1 |
Caldron's Run: The annual race through the
Razortooth Caldron, in which brave (and/or stupid) souls ride the
current into the Caldron and then attempt to make their way to the
village of Summer's Song. |
Pirates of the Vohoun > Sagas
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Original content (c) 2001 Kenneth Newquist
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D&D 3E (c) 2000 Wizards of the Coast

